Upgrade Notes
Always check this page for some important upgrade notes before updating to the latest coreshop build.
- [CoreBundle] add payment-provider carrier condition by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2788
- [Store] fix admin site request resolver by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2793
- fix reserved key query by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2803
- [FrontendBundle] fix priority for frontend controller registration by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2807
- [Resource] fallback locale could be null for newly created entities by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2756
- fix: CheckoutManager::getNextStep return type by @gander in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2758
- Added action price casting to int by @twin-elements in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2760
- [ResourceBundle/OrderBundle] fix order grid-configs and add a new CoreShop Resource Field Getter Operator by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2762
- [Store] optimize Store Context resolving with fallback and admin/non-admin by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2766
- [Store] optimize Store Context resolving with fallback and admin/non-admin also for area bricks by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2769
- [CoreBundle] allow to pass site to link generation by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2772
- [PayumBundle] remove payment_state processing to confirm orders by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2743
- [Docs] Upgrade guide: Mention emergency recovery if major version got updated without updating to latest minor version first by @BlackbitDevs in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2745
- [Core] allow multiple store-values by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2747
- [CoreBundle] fix quantity price rules customerGroups condition by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2750
- [Pimcore] use getCount() instead of getTotalCount() for BatchListing by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2715
- [Store] fix cached store context by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2727
- [Twig] twig >= 3.14 is compatible again by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2719
- [PimcoreBundle] respect user language for grid filter labels (#2694) by @benwalch in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2695
- [Product] fix regression of price rules for products with default unit by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2698
- [NotificationBundle] Mail Processor: Fix adding recipient twice by @benwalch in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2701
- [OrderBundle] use context language for OrderState Operator by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2677
- [VariantBundle] Variant Creator by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2679
- [PaymentBundle] fix null title for payment provider by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2640
- [ProductBundle] fix missing cascade merge by @benwalch in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2647
- [PaymentBundle/ShippingBundle] fix logo select form type by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2654
- [OrderBundle] use user locale for transition and state translations by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2653
- [Order] fixes for backend order creation by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2652
- [Messenger] fix serialization of failed_at by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2658
- [CoreBundle] fixes for Reports by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2659
- [Pimcore] add conflict for Pimcore 11.3.1 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2664
- [ProductBundle] fix missing cascade merge by @nehlsen in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2636
- [IndexBundle] Fix JS Error due to missing global function ts() by @gadget60 in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2638
- [CoreBundle] Prevent PHP error for store without currency by @BlackbitDevs in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2634
- [IndexBundle] Index error if product does not have a store by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2603
- [Index] make ObjectInterpreter compatible with "Advanced Many-To-Many Object Relation" Type by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2604
- [Notification] make password reset notification store aware by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2609
- [FrontendBundle] add missing subscribed services by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2617
- [OrderBundle] Notification Rules doesn't have state/transitions in DEV mode by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2619
- [Core] fix priorities between bundles by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2606
- [OrderBundle] fix range condition with notInRangeMessage by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2624
- [Core] Pimcore 11.1 and 11.2 compatibility and psalm update by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2584
- [NoteService] implement deadlock retry strategy by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2588
- [Docs] Improve resource bundle docs a bit by @jdreesen in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2554
- [OrderBundle] register OrderDocumentPrintController in controller.yml by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2557
- [OrderBundle] cast return values for getWkHtmlToPdfBinary and getXvfb… by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2558
- [Docs] improved installation instructions by @nehlsen in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2569
- [Core] Fixes in DataObject Extensions and Subscribed Services by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2528
- [MessengerBundle] make FailedMessageDetails and MessageDetails JsonSerializable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2530
- [DataHub] only enable queries for selected entities by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2512
- add address identifier repository to subscribed services by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2518
- add guest condition by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2514
- fix customer repository service link by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2523
- [Docs] Update docusaurus by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2490
- [Resource] Update Select.php by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2489
- [Product] use coreshop.form.factory in product unit definitions extension by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2501
- add missing subscribed services by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2439
- [Docs] update docs by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2455
- fix workflow.registry service argument by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2457
- [StoreBundle] fix StoreCollector for backend by @codingioanniskrikos in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2466
- [Core] fix o_id usages by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2473
- [Pimcore11] remove o_ column usages by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2413
- [Pimcore11] fix return type for getChildCategories by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2414
- can not save store shop settings by @sevarozh in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2415
- [Pimcore] require Pimcore 11.1 as minimum by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2423
- Fix error in the filter functionality for multiselects by @hethehe in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2426
- CoreShop 4.0.0 is the same as 3.2.0 will be, it contains all bug-fixes and feature from 3.1 and 3.2
- [ResourceBundle] fix CoreShopRelation and CoreShopRelations dynamic classes setter by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2396
From 3.2
- [Order] Backend Order Editing by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2397, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2382
- CoreShop 4.0.0 is the same as 3.2.0 will be, it contains all bug-fixes and feature from 3.1 and 3.2
CoreShop 4.0.0 is the same as 3.1.0, but with Pimcore 11 compatibility. Updating CoreShop therefore is quite easy. Since Symfony now doesn't have a full container anymore, we use Service Containers now for our Controllers. So your overwritten Controllers probably need changes.
- Pimcore 11 Compatibility (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2252, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2340, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2345, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2352, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2321, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2347)
- [FrontendBundle] add check if category type is grid or list (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/commit/9d41877773419d05bb6149f5c02a1de6c4ff21d8)
- [FrontendBundle] add check for currency in switch action (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/commit/f4cbe978a906fa95c426cd7cb953e0434a178d63)
- [PimcoreBundle] fix MultiSelect (check for existing store) by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2754
- [priceNull - 3.2] - add listener for null/empty price on field by @codingioanniskrikos in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2757
- [ResourceBundle] Version Marshalling for FieldCollections by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2768
- [PayumBundle] remove payment_state processing to confirm orders by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2743
- [Pimcore] introduce LocalizedFallbackHelper by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2723
- [Translations] add missing translations by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2721
- [Payum] 2.6 compatibility by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2722
- [Currency/Money] implement Pimcore Grid Column by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2686
- [StorageList] make sure to remove StorageList from Session on Logout by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2684
- [InventoryBundle] add stock label renderer and hide onHand field by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2690
- [InventoryBundle] add translations for stock label #2 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2691
- [Product] fix regression of price rules for products with default unit by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2698
- [OrderBundle] fix precison/factor for Payment Total by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2700
- [Payum] req payum/payum-bundle:^2.6 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2710
- [MoneyBundle] money and moneyCurrency type should respect money_decimal_precision by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2671
- [VariantBundle] Add possibility to exclude Variants from AttributeCollector via AttributePreconditionEvent by @almshadi in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2674
- [Product] don't allow Price and DiscountPrice Rule for unit prices by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2678
- [Order] fixes for backend order creation by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2652
- [Messenger] fix serialization of failed_at by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2658
- [ProductBundle] fix missing cascade merge by @benwalch in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2647
- [PaymentBundle] fix null title for payment provider by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2640
- [Pimcore] CoreShop 3 compatibility only with Pimcore 10.6 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2644
- [CoreBundle] fix PaymentWorkflow Listener to trigger state transition conditions by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2601
- [CoreBundle] fix CartTextProcessor priority and CartManagers setParent for cart-item by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2602
- [MessengerBundle] add permission and check for permissions by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2611
- [Composer] conflict twig/twig: ^3.9.0 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2612
- [Workflows] update to latest versions by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2613
- [PaymentProvider] fix payment provider rule action and add payment provider rule condition by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2614
- [Core] reimplement existing data check in ProductQuantityPriceRulesCloner by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2620
- [Documentation] Contribution/setting up dev enviornment by @TanaseTeofil in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2576
- [ResourceBundle] Fix EntityMerger and cascade-merging by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2622
- [IndexBundle] check migration if column already exists by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2627
- Fix store mail and store order mail collection entry type by @kkarkus in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2586
- [NoteService] implement deadlock retry strategy by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2588
- always set default unit quantity in gift product action by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2590
- [CoreBundle] fix PaymentWorkflow Listener to trigger state transition conditions by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2601
- [CoreBundle] fix CartTextProcessor priority and CartManagers setParent for cart-item by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2602
- [Tests] add test for stock tracked products in checkout by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2560
- [Tests] test only latest pimcore with highest deps for 3.2 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2559
- Increase MessengerBundle Receivers combobox width by @NiklasBr in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2567
- Updated CachedStoreContext.php by @kamil-karkus in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2565
- [Core] fix price calculation with immutables and adjustments by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2573
- [Migration] [Migration] fix Staticroute Migration for Pimcore 10 by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2550
- [CoreBundle] fix priority of coreshop_payment_token route by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2542
- [Frontend] create order-token if not yet exists by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2543
- [ProductBundle] default return empty array instead of null in preGetData by @breakone in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2544
- [ProductBundle] fix ClearCachedPriceRulesListener - remove service definition
- [CartManager] create unique key for cart items by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2510
- [Core] Use order tokens in payment capture by @yariksheptykin in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2515
- [Core] add caching for recursive variant checking by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2520
- use null coalescing operator against maxUsagePerUser by @sovlerat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2524
- [ClassDefinitionPatch] allow update of field-definitions instead of replace by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2494
- [Product] assert range sort for qpr by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2498
- [OrderEdit] allow 0 quantity by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2499
- [ClassDefinitionPatch] Class patches array by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2496
- [Order] introduce feature to allow editing confirmed orders in backend by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2382
- [Order] Backend Order Editing by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2397
- [StorageListBundle] make restore cart after checkout configurable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2428
- [OrderEdit] don't allow cancelled orders to be editable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2431
- [Voucher] restrict voucher usage per customer by @Philip-Neusta in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2451
- [CoreBundle] introduce Product Price Rule that is not combinable with Cart Price Voucher Rule by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2458
- [CoreBundle] fix migration to add immutable field to order by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2465
- [StorageListBundle] make restore cart after checkout configurable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2428
- [OrderEdit] don't allow cancelled orders to be editable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2431
- [Order] Backend Order Editing by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2397, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2382
- [ResourceBundle] remove request handler by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2443
- fix unit solidifier paths by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2446
- fix nested rule condition by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2447
- [StorageListBundle] fix standalone SessionBasedListContext by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2448
- [ResourceBundle] fix custom resource registration by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2454
- [StorageListBundle] disable cache for StorageList and StorageListItem by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2449
- [Messenger] fix tab panel layout by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2462
- [Core] Cart Item Discount Percent Gross Values by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2464
- Disable CartStockAvailability constraint in revise action by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2461
- [Cache] don't overwrite the prepareCacheData by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2469
- [Core] defaultUnitQuantity should never be null by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2470
- [PimcoreBundle] add cache.system to ExpressionLanguage by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2468
- [User] implement symfony "getUserIdentifier" by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2475
- [StorageList] implement \Countable by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2476
- [Composer] update bdi and add psr-4 autoload-dev for Pimcore Data Objects by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2477
- [FrontendBundle] check for isSubmitted before calling isValid by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2480
- allow pending payments in checkout workflow by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2481
- cast trackingCode as string by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2412
- fix comment delete request by @solverat in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2407
- [Core] add unit to GiftProductAction by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2422
- [Cart] fix wrong decoration of cart-context by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2432
- Bugfix listing order by by @BlackbitDevs in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2370
- [Order expiration] Use orderDate for confirmed orders, not o_creationDate by @BlackbitDevs in
- [Cart] fix using right context for performance increase by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2387
- [Core] Optimize Category recursive and Product Variants Condition Checker by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2388
- [ResourceBundle] fix cache marshalling issues with CoreShop Doctrine … by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2389
- [Cache] cache improvements - decorate Pimcore CoreCacheHandler by @dpfaffenbauer in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2398
- [Messenger] fix menu in standalone mode by @jdreesen in https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2393
- [Cache] "apply CacheResourceMarshaller to doctrine_dbal adapter, add cache marshaller to MoneyCurrency (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2373)
- [Core] re-add mainObjectId and objectId (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2380)
- [Reports] fix reports to only select actual orders (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2381)
- [PaymentRules] fix decoration of PaymentProviderResolver (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2317)
- [Notes] fix note title translation (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2335)
- [Menu] making it easer to have more independent bundles with the same main-menu (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2344)
- [FrontendBundle] fix: don't require permissions to render partials (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2329)
- [VariantBundle] fix null values in ValidAttributesValidator (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2348)
- [OrderBundle] don't modify CartItem twice (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2355)
BC Breaks:
- core_shop_order.expiration
is now configured like:
days: 20
anonymous: true
customer: true
days: 20core_shop_storage_list:
days: 0
anonymous: true
customer: false
days: 20
- [Performance] optimization (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2265)
- [WishlistBundle] new feature: wishlist cleaner (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2234, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2267)
- [OrderBundle] introduce not-combinable price rule condition (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2253)
- [ClassDefinitionPatchBundle] Introduce new Bundle to allow patching Pimcore Class Definitions (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2279)
- [Tracking] add Google Analytics 4 Tracking (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2303)
- [Payment] Introduce Payment Provider Rules for conditionally selecting Payment Providers or adding Payment Fees (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2301)
- [CartPriceRule] fix issue with deleted price rule (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2332)
- [StorageList] add default session based context resolver (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2269)
- [Pimcore] Handle unknown class names in ClassUpdate (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2271)
- [Guzzle] use ^1.0 for guzzle adapter (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2274)
- [FrontendBundle] throw 404 when Reset-Token not found (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2277)
- [IndexBundle] support 'zero' values for filtering (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2282)
- [Pimcore] make compatible with Pimcore 10.6 (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2285)
- [Order] fix voucher modifier calling findByCode with null (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2289)
- [MenuBundle] fix Pimcore 10.6 compatibility issue (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2292)
- [ResourceBundle] fix Pimcore 10.6 compatibility to find Admin User (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2293)
- [OrderBundle] improve unlinking files in pdf generation (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2294)
- [SerializedData] show data as string in version preview (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2295)
- [Docs] Maintenance mode
Maintenance job (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2299) - [MessengerBundle] fix for standalone installation (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2298)
- [CoreBundle] fix column names for coreshop_carrier_store table (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2187)
- [PHP] Require at least php 8 via composer.json (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2210)
- [Store] Throw exception if site store isnt found in SiteBasedRequestResolver (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2209)
- [FrontendBundle] Checkout allow to pass query params from step to step (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2224)
- [ResourceBundle] fix: added event.js on ResourceBundle (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2228)
- [FrontendBundle] restrict parentCategoryIds in filter index (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2230)
- [Variant] fix sorting in findMainVariant (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2232)
- [StorageList] fix missing classes (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2235)
- [ResourceBundle] re-implement expression evaluation (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2237)
- [CoreBundle] add missing parameter identifier (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2241)
- [StorageListBundle] fix loading 'coreshop.context.cart' (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2246)
- [SEO] Check first if metatitle is not null before setting it SEO TitleExtractor (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2242)
- [Services] Fix deprecation format (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2244)
- [Shipping] don't include shipping total in amount shipping condition (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2238)
- [Slugs] Make URL slugs overwritable (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2236)
- [Core] Use invoice address of logged in customer for tax calculation (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2254)
- [Order] don't add CartItemPriceRule if not applicable (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2258)
- [Cache] disabling caching of StorageLists for better concurrency (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2250)
- [Docs] Update docs (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2259)
- [Pimcore] add locale to SlugGenerationEvent (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2260)
- [Core] Support "store" field type in grid (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2262)
- [WishlistBundle] make wishlist easier usable outside of CoreShop (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2266)
- [FrontendBundle] Adjusted locale switcher for internal shop pages without translations (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2261)
- [PimcoreBundle] fix SluggableLinkGenerator DI Config (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2218)
- [CoreBundle] Fix Grid Column Config (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2215)
- [CoreBundle] Improve payment detail rendering (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2207)
- [CoreBundle] Move Cart Subtotal Calculation To Dedicated Cart Processor (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2205)
- [FrontendBundle] fix only showing customer orders and not cars too (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2201)
- [IndexBundle] check recursively child elements (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2200)
- [CoreBundle] set corret store value attributes (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2197)
- [Core] allow decoration of StackRepository (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2196)
- [CoreBundle] surcharge is possible to be more than item value (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2192)
- [ShippingBundle] allow min.amount from to be 0 (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2195)
- [Payum] don't use dev version (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2193)
- [StorageList] allow for shareable StorageLists (eg. wishlist) (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2150)
- [StorageListItem] add definitive StorageList (Order/Wishlist) field to Item (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2117)
- [FrontendBundle] keep a reference to the just-removed Product (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2125)
- [MessengerBundle] only allow to list ListableReceiverInterface (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2127)
- [MessengerBundle] standalone fixes (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2130)
- [Slug] improve slug generation and don't store slugs for every site if the same (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2131)
- [MoneyBundle] fix issue with not-nullable types and null values (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2138)
- [Resource] add return types for BigIntIntegerType (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2140)
- [LinkGeneration] introduce possibility to disable slugs and use fallback routes (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2143)
- [Payum] use stable payum release (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2141)
- [FrontendBundle] use asset() helper for logo image (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2137)
- [CoreBundle] Fix migration for price_rules in OrderItem class (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2145)
- [CoreBundle] Add layout price_rules only once to OrderItem (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2148)
- [StorageList & Slug] fixes for shared wishlist & slugs (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2151)
- [CoreBundle] Use valid key in user migration (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2159)
- [CoreBundle] fix price_rule migration section (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2160)
- [StorageList] Fix SessionStorageManager (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2165)
- [IndexBundle] check if index value is null before exploding (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2163)
- [IndexBundle] process children within same Handler (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2171)
Please make sure you also start the messenger worker for the CoreShop Tasks
bin/console messenger:consume coreshop_notification coreshop_index --time-limit=300
- [Messenger] introduce Messenger Bundle (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2105, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2114, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2112, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2106)
- [CartPiceRules] fix OrderItem not finding Order with CartItemPriceRules (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2116)
- [StorageList] fix storage-list priority (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2113)
- [ResourceBundle] class names with lower-case names (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2097)
- [Checkout] introduce Payment Provider Validator to check if the selected one is still valid (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2111)
- [Unit] fix issues with unit selection in ui (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2104)
- [CustomerAssignment] Fix typo when passing the company ID to the router (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2102)
- [CoreBundle] fix cart-item-rule discount action form (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2101)
- [IndexBundle] fix: index table o_classId type fix (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2095)
- [Menu] Use correct permission definition for product unit menu item (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2094)
- [Translations] fix order object translations (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2091)
- [Psalm] fixes (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2089)
- [CustomerTransformHelper] Use company's name initial as parent folder for companies (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2082)
- [StorageListBundle] PimcoreStorageListRepository: Comply to PSR-4 autoloading standards (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2081)
- [ProductVariantTrait] Prevent MySQL syntax error (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2086)
- [Wishlist] add tests and fix routing (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2084)
CoreShop is now Licenced under CCL and GPLv3! (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2061)
- [IndexBundle] clone index, change default name of cloned item (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2056)
- [CartPriceRules] introduce feature to allow cart-price rules based on cart-items (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2057, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2060)
- [Wishlist] Introduce a persisted wishlist - StorageListBundle now works as a base for Order and Wishlist (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2030, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2066)
- [Reports] Support filtering for order type (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2055)
- [Symfony] fix Injecting @session is deprecated with Symfony (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2035)
- [AccessManagement] prepare CoreShop for advanced access-management (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2063)
- [Pimcore] 10.5 as min requirement (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2067)
- [VariantBundle] Serializer: Allow $innerObject to be null (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2058, https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2069)
- [DataHub] Fix non unique typename (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2004)
- [Translations] Update admin-translations.yml (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2064)
- [Pimcore UI] Make default Product Unit unselectable (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2065)
- [Variant] allow recursive attributes and variants (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2068)
This will be the last BETA for the final release.
- [Frontend] fix controller overwriting (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2017)
- Replaced old Registration Service with Customer Manager (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2020)
- Update install guide while it is in beta (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2019)
- [Frontend] fix getQuantityModifier return type (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2024)
- Fix TagManagerEnhancedEcommerce (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2027)
- [ProductBundle] fix saving of Price Rule Conditions and Actions when creating (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2029)
- [FrontendBundle] Consider UrlSlugs in the locale switcher (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2032)
- [DB] Remove Migrate and ClassUpdate rename and fix psalm issues (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2034)
- fix: property must not be accessed before initialization (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2036)
- [MoneyBundle] bugfix unmarshalVersion for coreShopMoney (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2037)
- [ThemeBundle] add document pre_renderer listener to resolve theme (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2041)
- [OrderBundle] fix "coreshop_admin_order_find" route (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2045)
- [Pimcore] add tests for ^10.5 (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2043)
- [Events] fix pimcore events BC break (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2046)
- [Tests] test against pimcore ^11.0 (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2047)
- [CoreBundle] add typecasts for MoneyFormatter in Reports, bugfix SQL (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2048)
- [MoneyBundle] bugfix marshalVersion for coreShopMoney (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2051)
- [MoneyBundle] bugfix setter code for FieldCollection (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2052)
- [CoreBundle] check for null value in CartStockAvailabilityValidator (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2053)
- [Variants] introduce Variant Bundle (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/1990) @breakone
- [Pimcore] require min 10.4 (https://github.com/coreshop/CoreShop/pull/2013)