Customizing Forms

The forms in CoreShop are placed in the CoreShop\Bundle\*BundleName*\Form\Type namespaces and the extensions will be placed in AppBundle\Form\Extension.

Why would you customize a Form?

There are plenty of reasons to modify forms that have already been defined in CoreShop. Your business needs may sometimes slightly differ from our internal assumptions.

You can:

  • add completely new fields,
  • modify existing fields, make them required, change their HTML class, change labels etc.,
  • remove fields that are not used.

How to customize a CoreShop Resource Form?

If you want to modify the form for the Store in your system there are a few steps that you should take. Assuming that you would like to (for example):

  • Add a contactHours field,

These will be the steps that you will have to take to achieve that:

1. If your are planning to add new fields remember that beforehand they need to be added on the model that the form type is based on.

In case of our example if you need to have the contactHours on the model and the entity mapping for the Store resource. To get to know how to prepare that go there

2. Create a Form Extension.

Your form has to extend a proper base class. How can you check that?

For the StoreType run:

$ php bin/console debug:container

As a result you will get the CoreShop\Bundle\StoreBundle\Form\Type\StoreType - this is the class that you need to be extending.


namespace AppBundle\Form\Extension;

use CoreShop\Bundle\StoreBundle\Form\Type\StoreType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

final class StoreTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
        // Adding new fields works just like in the parent form type.
        $builder->add('contactHours', TextType::class, [
            'required' => false

    public static function getExtendedTypes(): array
        return [StoreType::class];

3. After creating your class, register this extension as a service in the AppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml:

        class: AppBundle\Form\Extension\StoreTypeExtension
            - { name: form.type_extension, extended_type: CoreShop\Bundle\StoreBundle\Form\Type\StoreType }

In our case you will need to extend the ExtJs Form as well: src/AppBundle/Resources/public/pimcore/js/store.js.

In ExtJs your new store file need to like like this: = Class.create(, {

    getFormPanel: function ($super) {
        var panel = $super();

                    xtype: 'textfield',
                    fieldLabel: 'Contact Hours',
                    name: 'contactHours'

        return this.formPanel;

And you need to configure it to be loaded as well:

            custom_store: '/bundles/app/pimcore/js/store.js'