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Version: 4.1

Pimcore Entities for Bundles

Step 1: Add a New Pimcore Class in Pimcore

  1. Create a new class in Pimcore.
  2. Add a Parent Class to your Pimcore Entity.
  3. Export Class Definition to YourBundle/Resources/install/pimcore/classes/PimcoreEntity.json.

Step 2: Create Parent Class


Create PimcoreEntityInterface.php in the YourBundle/Model directory.

// YourBundle/Model/PimcoreEntityInterface.php

interface PimcoreEntityInterface extends ResourceInterface {
public function getName($language = null);
public function setName($name, $language = null);


Create PimcoreEntity.php in the YourBundle/Model directory.

// YourBundle/Model/PimcoreEntity.php

class PimcoreEntity extends AbstractPimcoreModel implements PimcoreEntityInterface, PimcoreModelInterface {
public function getName($language = null) {
throw new ImplementedByPimcoreException(__CLASS__, __METHOD__);

public function setName($name, $language = null) {
throw new ImplementedByPimcoreException(__CLASS__, __METHOD__);

Step 3: Create Dependency Injection Configuration


Create Configuration.php in YourBundle/DependencyInjection.


namespace YourBundle\DependencyInjection;

final class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
$rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('your_bundle');


return $treeBuilder;

private function addModelsSection(ArrayNodeDefinition $node)


Create YourBundleExtension.php in the same directory.


namespace YourBundle\DependencyInjection;

final class YourBundleExtension extends AbstractModelExtension
public function load(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container)
$config = $this->processConfiguration($this->getConfiguration([], $container), $config);
$this->registerPimcoreModels('app', $config['pimcore'], $container);

Step 4: Use Your Pimcore Entity

You can either use Pimcore Listing Classes or the automatically generated Factory/Repository Classes.

Using Pimcore Listing Classes

$list = new Pimcore\Model\Object\PimcoreEntity\Listing();

Using Factory/Repository Classes

$pimcoreEntityObject = $container->get('app.repository.pimcore_entity')->findBy($id);

$list = $container->get('app.repository.pimcore_entity')->getList();